Articles Tagged "Tutorial"

Random Candy Colors

If you saw my recent “Candy Cosmos” post, you may have noticed that the randomly generated colors tend to be rather “vibrant”.


Pure red, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow colors appear frequently, while pure black and white colors occur occasionally, and colors near 50% gray tend to be the least common. The bright candy colors are a side effect caused by
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Hexadecimal Color Fading

A while ago, I wrote a Color Fading tutorial for which provided nearly all the functions you’d ever want for fading colors. Did you notice that I said “nearly”? Well, today I’ve added yet another weapon to my color-fading code arsenal called “fadeHex”. The name probably won’t put fear in the hearts of fellow code warriors but it’s a powerful tool none the less. In essence, it lets you specify two colors, then creates a color gradient from the first color to the second and lets you choose a color at any point on that gradient.
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