Spin the Black Circle Rotation Bug

It’s not often that 2 disparate articles on PixelWit.com coincide so I thought I’d tell you about my recent experience.

In my Ten Fun Flash Games article I mentioned a game called Spin the Black Circle. In another article about my experience with a Flash Rotation Bug I said, “I’m surprised I haven’t heard more about this particular bug since the conditions which cause it would seem fairly common.” Well guess what…. The Flash Rotation bug can also be found in the Spin the Black Circle game.

If you happen to know the developer Alejandro Guillen and would like to tell him about it, or if you just want to see the bug for yourself you can do the following:

  • Get really good at the game.
  • Get to Level #22 (I told you you’d have to get good at the game).
  • Let Level #22 run for for a long time.
  • After a while the rotating bars will “whack-out”.
  • The graphic representation of the rotating bars jumps back 8 degrees and yet the ball interacts with the bar as if it was in the correct position.

Here’s a screen capture to show what it looks like:

Black Circle Bug

As you can see, even though the ball is resting on the rotating bar, the bar’s graphic representation is misaligned (rotated 8 degrees counter-clockwise) and makes the ball look like it’s embedded in the bar.

I’m not sure if this is a result of the code within the game, or if it’s caused by the particular physics engine the game is using. Either way, I thought I’d point it out so you’re more aware of this particular bug and know how to get around it (a work-around can be found within the Flash Rotation Bug article).

2 Responses to “Spin the Black Circle Rotation Bug”

  1. Pixelwit says:

    Ha! I don’t know how many more times I’ll see this bug but I hope it’s the last. I was almost getting the hang of that level. 😉

  2. Joga Luce says:

    Now I have start looking for these everywhere just for fun. As if I didn’t have enough distractions ^_^

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